May 10, 2024 - 08:28 PM
We do not carry the MB chairs, so I can't speak from personal experience of the X model. I know that their chairs are built in smaller Chinese factories. From looking at their website, it looks like a the X is a split track chair with 4 rollers on the top track and 4 rollers on the bottom track. The Vivo is built in a larger Chinese factory, meaning the quality control and the component quality are most likely superior to that of a smaller factory. The Vivo has 4 rollers on the bottom track and 2 rollers on the upper track. The upper 2 rollers typically offer a stronger neck and shoulder massage, since the 2 rollers can provide a more focal muscle massage in those areas. Other than that, and arm rollers in the Vivo, their feature-sets appear similar. I hope this helps.